Are you interested in joining a few local sports teams for fun? Learn more about the physical, social, and health benefits.

Power Skating Will Help Your Child In These Areas

18 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If your child plays ice hockey, he or she may already be a competent skater. That doesn't mean, however, that your child will be the best player on his or her team. Every hockey player can skate, but those who are extremely skilled skaters will be able to control the puck better and score more goals. In order to improve your child's skating, consider powerice  skating lessons. They're available for young athletes of all abilities and ages, and you'll notice a marked improvement in your child's hockey after taking power skating. Read More …

Why Playing Little League Isn’t So Simple As Signing Up Anymore

22 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Once upon a time, if you wanted to play Little League baseball in the summer, you just signed up. You showed up the first day of practice to show off your mad baseball skills, and then you were assigned a team position. Now, it seems as though your kid has to go through government documents in triplicate just to get on the field. Yet, you should know that there are many good reasons why you have to jump through so many hoops to play a kids' game of baseball. Read More …